Sunday, April 10, 2011

Time Trialin'

I do have an excuse for being late on getting the post out this week. Prom was yesterday, which outside of my run, ate up my whole day. After staying up way too late last night, my body was pretty tired/run down. So I got my run in this morning, ate, and then napped for a few more hours.

The week featured some pretty average workouts, but also a very good time trial. The plan was to race Thursday, and run both the 3200m and 1600m, with the goal being to get in a fast 3200. Well, the meet ended up being cancelled due to the weather on Thursday (which I thought was fine), but I decided to follow through with the plans for a quick 3200m, as I wouldn't get another chance for another 2 weeks. I'm  quite happy with my decision to do so, because it resulted in a new PR. I ran 9:45 solo. I was very pleased with the effort, but gotta keep moving forward

Here's the log:

Sunday - 12 mile Long Run at Spring Lake. Kept pace function off on watch. Ran by feel, and enjoyed the unusually warm weather we were having. It ended up hitting a high of 87 degrees later in the day!

Monday - WINDY! Wanted to get in some long, cross-country type repeats at a bit slower pace to touch on that system some, but also sprinkle in some 400s at 2mi pace to try and run that pace when tired. 3mi warmup with the last mile at tempo pace, drills and strides; 2x1200, 400, 1200, 400, 1200; 2.5mi cooldown

Tuesday - 7.5 miles easy (6:35/mi); 6x200 relaxed starting at 3200 speed and working to mile effort (last 4 in spikes): 36.26, 35.92, 36.39, 35.8, 34.7, 35.44
.5 miles back home (Tot. 9mi)

Wednesday - 6.5mi easy in 44:32 (6:51/mi); strides and a 200 (Tot. 7mi)

Thursday - 2mi+ progressive warmup (14:10--6:35/mi); drills, strides, .42 quicker (2:18--5:28/mi), 2x200 in 37, 36; 3200 Time Trial - 9:45 (4:48, 4:56); 4x200m in 35, 35, 35, 33; 4mi cooldown in 28:44 (7:11/mi). Total of 9mi

Friday - 8 miles very easy on Barn School Road, 56:38 (7:04/mi)

Saturday - At Lake Argyle- Hilly 3.5mi warmup very slow, including a pretty hard fall going down a hill; some strides; 20min tempo covering 3.46 (5:46/mi) with a very steep, long uphill to start out with, splits: 1-5:58, 2-5:37, 3-5:48 (varying terrain), last portion at 5:36/mi; 3mi hilly cooldown again in 22:17, by this time it was pretty warm out and the hills were rendering me to a very slow crawl. Solid workout overall.

Weekly Total: 64.5 miles. Was pretty diligent with all of my core and general strength work all week as well, getting in some hurdle drills on several days as well.

This next week I'll get a chance to have the legs moving a bit quicker, as on Thursday I'm entered in both the 1600m and 800m at the Cansippi Relays in Canton, MO. That will serve as some under distance speed work and my first real bit of stuff faster than mile pace. I'll also be looking forward to a good 3200 specific session and a tempo run.

This was my first PR set in the 3 1/2 months that I've been doing the blog, hopefully we can have a lot more of those soon as the outdoor season gets rolling along..


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