Sunday, April 3, 2011

Late Post. Outdoor Season Is Here!

Hello Readers,

I'm not in the "in depth training rambling" mood right now, so I'll keep this post somewhat brief. Another good week. I'm happy to be keeping the mileage up this far into the track season. I wanted to hit 70 or more this week since I was feeling good, but my planned early morning shakeout on Wednesday and Friday didn't happen due to my sleep deprived body's cravings for more rest.


Sunday - 13 mile Long Run to Macomb, 1:23:54 (6:27/mi). Splits: 1-6:37, 2-6:26, 3-6:31, 4-6:34, 5-6:27, 6-6:27, 7-6:28, 8-6:25, 9-6:28, 10-6:25, 11-6:20, 12-6:23, 13-6:17. About 24 degrees, which is too cold for Spring!

Monday 7.5 easy in 50:40 (6:45/mi); 12x200 relaxed, jog back diagonally recovery, working from 3200 pace to a bit quicker than mile pace. Splits: 37.04, 36.49, 37.34, 36.22, 35.67, 36.27, 35.88, 35.33, 35.5, 34.77, 35.17, 34.94. Put on the Matumbos the last 6 to break them in some. First time in spikes so far this year.

Tuesday - 9 mile, 1:01:09 (6:47/mi). Lower right back/piriformis hurting some throughout the day. Had bothered me some in the past few days. Icing and stretching good.

Wednesday - 2.5mi warmup, drills and strides, 20min tempo covering 3.57mi (5:37/mi), 5x10sec flat sprints with full recovery, 2.5mi cooldown. Total of 9mi

Thursday - 7.5 easy in 51:07 (6:49/mi). Strides and 2x200 after. (Tot. 8mi)

Friday - WINDY! - Complicated warmup totaling 4.75mi with a few miles at low 6min pace and some strides and 200s (misjudged my race time and the meet was going slower than planned so I initially warmed up way too early), race/cruise a 1600 in 4:45, 2mi easy, workout-Aussie Quarters (just 6x400 at 3200 pace (74-75) with 200m jog recovery). Splits-1:15 (:50), 1:14 (:52), 1:15 (:50), 1:15 (:52), 1:14 (:53), 1:15 (:52).; just a half mile cooldown home, spent. Total of 10.5mi

Saturday - AM: 5mi recovery in 38:15 (7:39/mi). Tried to go way slower than I have in a long time. Very windy. PM: 5mi easy in 33:49 (6:46/mi), perfect weather.

Total: 69.5 miles. This shows that there isn't a magic number. It's tough to see that 69.5 there, as I would rather have ran 70 or more miles. I also didn't total the week's mileage until today. Very good week. Friday I just wanted to run my season goal 3200 pace for that mile (4:45) and still get in a solid workout after. I did that even with some crazy wind. I did have problems with my lower right back and my piriformis/glute this week, but have been doing everything I can to keep that at bay. If it gets worse I might have to take a day off,  hopefully that's not the case.

This next week I'm hoping for some more solid work. I'll be gunning for a quick 3200 time on Thursday with weather permitting. It's a small meet, so it will be more of a time trial, and I'm going to double up to make it a good day of work overall.

If I can keep stacking weeks like this together, I'll be looking for somewhat of a breakthrough soon.

I hope everyone had a good week!


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